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Redefining Payables Processes Across Indian Organizations to Eliminate Errors and Improve Efficiency


In the Fin-Tech world today, 50-60% of payouts in an organization are made towards vendors. While this is a major part of the total expenses, it’s also an area with utmost complexities. For instance,

  • Money loss due to overpayments or duplicate payments

  • A lack of control and visibility as to which vendor should get paid 

  • Manual processes managed across different systems lead to a chaos

  • Vendor relationships become strenuous due to the complicated process 


The aim for this project is to develop an innovative tool which would help finance leaders succeed in their roles by solving for "how businesses pay" and create a comprehensive framework to optimize payables processes across Indian organizations

Design Process

Investigation and Survey: The initial phase involved an in-depth investigation into the challenges faced by Indian businesses regarding payables processes. This investigation included surveys conducted with nearly 300 finance leaders across various enterprises. The goal was to gather comprehensive data on the specific pain points and complexities involved in payables management. 

The most intriguing revelation uncovered during research, was the parallax effect: while approximately 55% of CFOs assert full control over their processes, a staggering 98% of them express a strong desire for a comprehensive system that grants them end-to-end visibilityThis key data point shaped our entire research framework for the report. As we delved deeper, we uncovered more intriguing insights. (Full report here)



Data Analysis and Representation: Once the basic research framework was established, the next step involved interpreting the data. This involved extracting key insights and trends from the research and transforming them into easily digestible points via creative data representation. We ensured that the data was not only informative but also engaging and visually appealing.

Content Analysis and Structuring: Based on the data analysis, the content of the report was structured to present a coherent narrative. The goal was to clearly articulate the challenges faced by businesses in their payables processes and to lay the groundwork for the proposed solutions.

Layout and Design: The layout and design of the report were critical in ensuring that the information was presented in an engaging and accessible manner. Visual elements were used to enhance the overall readability and to create a cohesive look and feel. The design also aimed to evoke a sense of professionalism and credibility, resonating with the target audience of finance leaders. 


Identifying a thematic approach: A thematic approach was adopted to add an extra layer of engagement to the report. The theme of "people moving across offices" was chosen to create a narrative thread throughout the report. This thematic element helped to humanize the content and make it more relatable to readers, particularly CFOs and finance professionals. Introducing a design theme to a highly data-intensive report infused it with user delight. Elements such as miniature people, attired in suits, walking across the pages, added a whimsical touch to the content.

Introducing an engagement opportunity: To further engage readers and provide them with actionable insights, an interactive assessment was included at the end of the report. The assessment allowed readers to evaluate their own payables processes and receive personalized recommendations based on the findings of the survey.

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Personalized Reporting: Finally, readers who completed the assessment received a personalized report via email. This report provided them with specific recommendations and solutions tailored to their unique payables process challenges, enabling them to take concrete steps towards improvement.

Final Product

Final product

The printed copies of the report were distributed at several launch events, including FTX 2024, Razorpay's flagship event. These events provided an ideal platform for CFOs and finance leaders to gain insights into payables processes and common errors. Additionally, the report is hosted on an online channel, allowing viewers to access and experience the content digitally. This online presence ensures that the report remains accessible to a wider audience, further enhancing its reach and impact.

Read the full report>

Go to market strategy

The report was not only promoted at in-person events but also had a comprehensive go-to-market strategy in place. This strategy included leveraging performance ad channels, engaging with the audience on social media platforms, publishing print ads in brochures distributed at events and conducting targeted email campaigns. By utilizing these various channels, the report was able to reach a wider audience and generate significant interest and engagement.

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Performance marketing ad designs

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Print ad in the brochure

Impact on business

The report emerged as one of the most significant and impactful launches for RazorpayX, solidifying its position as the sole research compilation supporting the entire S2P product suite.

  • Over 300 copies of the report were printed and distributed during the launch at FTX

  • To date, we've received over 200 impressions on the report. Additionally, we've generated 50 leads from the blindspot detector report. As the GTM is in the process of going live, we anticipate obtaining more numbers in due course.

  • The report also had other soft launches at different Fintech and networking events in the tech world.

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The report has set a new benchmark for research and design in the industry, making it a one-of-a-kind analysis. It has received widespread acclaim from industry professionals, underscoring its value and impact. This positive reception has resulted in a significant increase in leads for our payables process system, showcasing the report's effectiveness in driving engagement and interest. Moreover, the report has become a key component of our pitch presentations, serving as a compelling case study that has contributed to our success and recognition in the industry.

Project team


The success of the report speaks volumes about our collaborative efforts across marketing, research, and design teams. Taking the helm as the lead designer for the project, I orchestrated the creation of both reports, ensuring they not only exuded visual excellence but also remained faithful to our brand's overarching vision. Hand in hand with marketers and researchers, I delved deep into understanding market dynamics, solutioning process, and adapted a data driven design approach that seamlessly translated data into captivating visual narratives. Additionally, I collaborated closely with fellow designers, guiding them through the chosen design style for the report to create supporting marketing assets like, performance ads, blog banners, dashboard widgets etc. Undoubtedly, my contributions were pivotal in steering this project towards resounding success.

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