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"Mardaangi's Navigating Online Safety and Sexual Abuse" is a vital resource crafted with utmost care and sensitivity to address pressing issues faced by young teenagers today. This book is a guiding light, providing accessible answers to the numerous questions that arise concerning abuse, online safety, and consent, among other essential topics covered within its pages.

While we acknowledge that the complexities of these issues are vast, "Mardaangi" serves as a powerful starting point for teenagers seeking clarity and understanding. It empowers them to navigate the digital age with confidence, armed with knowledge and insights crucial for their well-being.

Our book is a testament to our commitment to creating a safe space for young minds to explore these critical subjects. By providing comprehensive information and practical guidance, we aspire to instill resilience and equip them to handle challenging situations with courage.

Though not exhaustive, "Mardaangi" lays a strong foundation, encouraging open dialogue and fostering awareness about abuse and online safety. Its insights are tailored to empower teenagers, enabling them to make informed decisions, set boundaries, and assert their rights.

We recognize that the digital age presents unique challenges, particularly for teenagers, making our book a timely and relevant resource. By offering invaluable tools for self-advocacy, we hope to cultivate a generation that embraces their worth, demands respect, and confidently navigates the complexities of the modern world.

As we unveil "Mardaangi," we stand by our unwavering commitment to support teenagers in their journey towards a safer and more empowered digital experience. Together, let's create a world where every young individual is equipped with the knowledge and resilience needed to navigate online spaces with confidence and dignity.


 We have tried to make it as interactive and engaging as possible. We hope this helps.

The book is divided into 3 sections.


The first subsection is an introduction involving basic concepts and it explains the need for comprehensive sexual education in India,

- The second one deals with Navigating Abuse.

- The third one focuses on Acting Respectfully to promote a healthy and consensual environment.

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The following colours are used for the layouting and the illustrations done inside the book. Keeping the parent colour "red" the other colours are added to inhance the look while making the overall art look colourful and appealing for our target audience. (13-20 years old)

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The free resource booklet is designed with the help of a team of researchers and creatives. We're reaching out to different schools around the country to add this book to the curriculum of students in school or issue copies of this resource in their respective libraries. The following link will guide you to the page where you can read, download or share this book. Please contact the organisation (mardaangi) for any further details.

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