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Flatheads/ marketing

Flatheads is all about you—your life, passions, work, leisure, vices, quirks, insecurities, strengths, choices, blunders, and triumphs. Our shoes, or rather Flatheads, are designed not just for your feet, but to complement and embrace every facet of your unique journey.

Our Brand Archetype :

BrandPersonalityChart X Flatheads.png

Social Media Marketing : Designing Creatives + Storytelling

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For the entire social media design experience, visit - 


Performance Marketing : Designing Creatives 

In the realm of performance marketing ads, tailored to our entire target audience, we present two distinct subsections. The initial section entails brand awareness campaigns, while the subsequent one revolves around running sales and discount advertisements.

The strategy for awareness ads involves meticulous segmentation of the target market into various segments. Each of these segments is approached individually, employing diverse creative styles that encapsulate unique narratives. The visual essence and storytelling in each ad resonate differently, reflecting the essence of the segment being targeted. This dynamic approach evolves with each marketing campaign, adapting to the specific product showcased in the market.

Our common target audience segmentation encompasses a broad spectrum, notably including:

  • Young, independent, and outspoken men

Delving deeper, this segment branches into:

  • Fashion enthusiasts

  • Business professionals

  • Food aficionados

  • College students

  • Dance enthusiasts

  • Avid travelers

  • Devoted pet lovers, and more.

This thoughtful categorization enables us to create tailored messages that effectively engage and resonate with each distinct audience subset.

Brand awareness campaigns :

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Sale campaigns :

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flat 50 new-04.jpg

Emailer designs : 

Email campaigns are designed in such a way that are are able to reach out to subscribers at the best time and provide valuable content and relevant offers. Emailers makes communication with clients easier and more effective. They help not only to increase sales but build your brand image.

Emailer content is divided into various sections :

- Welcome emails

- Announcement emails

​- Styling mails

- Seasonal emails

- Abandoned shopping cart emails

- Cross-selling emails

- Upselling emails

- Newsletters​

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