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Flatheads/ brand campaigns

TROOS Story - Ridiculously Comfortable

When it comes to our super sleek, 2 mile shoes, named as "Troos" there is nothing else to discuss. but comfort.

Whether it’s taking a bite of your favourite comfort food or crawling into bed after a busy day, we are all too familiar with that feeling of comfort that everyone comes running back to. Now imagine that feeling, packed into every stitch in your shoe. Well, that’s kind of what we do at Flatheads.

Except that, we like to make our shoes ridiculously comfortable.

In this particular shoot with our Troos range, we ideated a one-of-a kind, "absurd" narrative to go along our idea of "Ridiculousness

Art Direction: Photo + Video shoot

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LUFT - lighter than air itself

If you thought it couldn’t get any better than our ridiculously comfortable sneakers, we have some news for you.

We did it again. We designed a lighter, more breathable, showstopping piece called Luft. This all day sneaker is easy to slip on, supremely breathable and gorgeous to look at

In this particular shoot with our Luft range, we decided to play with exaggeration. We tried overstating the features and creating some drama around the features of the shoe. 

Art Direction: Photo + Video shoot

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