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Introducing Aurm's locker infrastructure in housing societies, offering a secure haven for safeguarding valuables.


The migration of wealth from smaller towns to cities, propelled by career opportunities and higher incomes, is accompanied by a significant relocation of generational wealth as parents seek proximity to their migrating children.

In gated communities, social and community events are flourishing, showcasing a diverse array of multicultural and religious celebrations. These gatherings provide individuals with opportunities to flaunt their social standing through the wearing of jewellery.

Currently, banks are confronting challenges with costly infrastructure products like lockers, which yield inadequate revenues. Due to which people are left with

  • Lack of options to keep their treasured belongings. 

  • Lack of transparency. Banks don’t insure lockers, and are indemnified against any losses which are hidden in fine print. 

  • Lack of joy while accessing one’s own wealth

  • Lack of control for accessing their belongings.Access timings are limited to bank operating hours, which never coincide with the timing of the need 

Aurm Overview: 

Aurm is a Bangalore based startup that aims to build robust infrastructure and services that preserves and fosters wealth, empowering individuals to pursue their financial ambitions with confidence. 

Design Objective: 
The objective is to position Aurm as the ultimate solution for people living in housing societies seeking to safeguard their wealth and cherished belongings. Our goal is to establish the brand as premium and exclusive, resonating with individuals who prioritise quality and security. 

Design Process

Understanding user persona: The project kicked off with a user study, segmenting participants into various personas based on extensive observations within the migrating families' community. Given the launch's focus on the Mantri Espana housing society, the research was conducted in an informal manner. This was facilitated by the fact that two of the company founders reside within the society, enabling easy access to the target audience, primarily comprising their immediate circle.



Understanding consumer needs: After segmenting the target audience, we delved into brainstorming sessions to explore the diverse needs associated with owning a locker within the society. This process yielded several key observations:

  • Accessibility: The need to have valuables within close proximity to their current residence.

  • Convenience: The necessity to access valuables whenever required, with suitable timings that align with their lifestyle.

  • Privacy: The desire for a private space to store valuables, not shared with individuals outside their immediate family.

  • Security: The requirement to keep valuables safe and secure from theft or any potential threats to personal safety

  • Trust: The need for assurance that their wealth will be safeguarded by someone trustworthy.

Brand positioning: Brainstorming Aurm's market positioning was a collaborative effort, involving discussions with both the founders and the marketing team. Together, we delved into how the brand should be perceived by its audience, culminating in a shared vision. Presented below is a mindmap outlining the attributes we aim for Aurm to embody and resonate with in the market.


Developing master concepts for the campaign: Once we grasped the essence of our cause and established an understanding of the attributes we sought to convey to consumers, the next phase involved crafting a narrative. This narrative aimed to capture the essence of Aurm through visual communication.

Setting up a visual moodboard: A visual moodboard was crafted, carefully aligning with the brand's color scheme, palette, typography, and imagery preferences. The entire visual communication process was guided by AI-generated images, with Midjourney serving as the primary source for all image design elements.

Final Product

Teaser release: This concept explores a narrative where, Aurm makes its way into the community of Mantri Espana in a way that a new neighbor moves in.There is some conversation about the new comer, not everyone is aware and certainly no one really knows who Aurm is and what are they going to bring to the table. But people love to talk! So as the first step of creating an intrigue, we give people something to talk about. In Mantri Espana, mysterious posters appear, teasing intimate details of residents' lives only they would know. Who's Aurm, why are they talking about my grandmother’s ring? How do they know I have a watch collection?

Final design
poster 1.png
poster mock 2.png

Posters were put across lifts of the Mantri Espana housing society

my gate ad 2.png

Mygate ad poster adapts

Campaign strategy: In addition to the teaser posters, we cleverly repurposed the designs for Mygate ads, ensuring visibility for those who missed the physical posters. Following this, we implemented a WhatsApp drip campaign to gradually introduce people to Aurm and its services.

Whatsapp 2.png
whatsapp 3.jpg

Pre orders phase: Phase 2 focuses on generating early pre-orders for the locker safe before its widespread availability. Building upon the mystery introduced in the teaser phase, this stage emphasises the inconveniences of traditional banking methods, such as having to visit a bank for a locker and missing out on wearing jewellery due to the bank being closed.

poster mock 2.png
poster mock 3.png

Posters were put across lifts of the Mantri Espana housing society

Pre orders phase ( My gate campaign): In this phase, the MyGate ads took a different approach altogether. Understanding the Indian consumer mindset, which often exhibits payment hesitancy until they experience the product's look and feel firsthand, we tailored our strategy accordingly. The design of these ads only offers glimpses of the product, creating an air of exclusivity inspired by brands like Apple. This exclusive marketing strategy aims to intrigue and captivate potential customers, enticing them to explore Aurm further.

pre order poster.png
pre order 2.png

Invite design: An invite was shared to the residents to come and try the locker facility located in the society

invite final mock.png
card 1.png
brochure inside.png

Sales Brochure: 


Project team


Ayushi Gaur

Associate Designer

Saloni Sharma

Associate Designer

Ganesh Balakrishnan

Client | Aurm

This project was a collaborative effort between me and another design associate. Together, we worked as a cohesive team to deliver the designs, with Ganesh serving as our client. Throughout the project, we engaged in discussions with Aurm's marketing team to ensure alignment with their vision. Additionally, we collaborated with a design agency engaged by Aurm, offering valuable insights and feedback on the overall design strategy.

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